
Location is where the story starts.

A story idea has to start somewhere, often with a random thought or image. For me, it is usually a place, or more specifically, an old building. In my current work in progress, it’s a hunting lodge. So far, predictably, I call it The Lodge.

This image is sort of what I had in mind, only bigger and more elaborate because it was built by the protagonist Holly’s great grandfather who was a lumber baron in the Pacific Northwest at the turn of the last century. A Victorian monstrosity, in Holly’s own words.

All of my stories seem to center around these buildings, and I have to wonder – what is it about old, derelict buildings and ruins that intrigues me, and how do they impact the people in the story?  The more I think about it, the more I see it is the history of these places and the stories they tell that gives my imagination flight.

The cabin in the Fortune Bay series is a good example.

This building was around the corner from a house I lived in for a number of years, and I set the Fortune Bay stories around it. In the first story, the cabin has been empty for years, since Aunt Augusta died, but the spirit of the old lady is still active and eager to interact with the new story residents. 

In Temple of the Jaguar, the first Rocky and Bernadette mystery, it was a visit to an ancient Mayan ruin in the jungle that set my mind racing.

Beginning to see the pattern? The Lodge started out with the idea of the lodge itself, loosely patterned on a few old lodges I’ve visited here on the Island and in Washington State. In this book, Grandad has died and left it to two granddaughters he’s never known, and who don’t know him. Holly, the protagonist in book one, has only a vague memory of a long ago visit when she was a very young child. Now he’s gone, and she’s left to piece together the family history through  secrets hidden in plain sight in the rundown old mansion. 

Of course, there are more pieces to the story puzzle, but that was the start. There was Covid, and family interruptions, but now I’m glad to be back in the story again!

As a reader, I’m also often drawn  to old house settings, going right back to Nancy Drew and The Mystery at the Moss-Covered Mansion. What kind of books are you drawn to? Do you find yourself returning to the same kind of story again and again? Does setting play a part?

If you haven’t check out Goodreads, it is an amazing community, designed specially for readers and writers. Please find and follow me on Goodreads for more updates on how the new book is going.

That’s all for now.

PS – The ebook of The Good Neighbor, book two in the Fortune Bay series, is on sale on Amazon for 99 cents until the end of the month! You can read the books in any order.
See you on Goodreads!

Check out the new covers!

I’m so excited! I’m rolling out a whole new set of covers for the Fortune Bay series. I loved the old covers when I first put out the series, but lately I’ve noticed they are not at all like the covers of the books Amazon says my readers like, known as the “also boughts”.

The list shows up on my Amazon author page and changes all the time. At this point it’s writers like Kay Correll, Judith Keim, Annie Rains and Pamela M. Kelly, books with covers more like this –

Not at all like my “woman alone” covers.

Does it matter? You bet it does!

Think about when you are searching through Amazon for your next read. The thumbnail photos of the covers are tiny, especially if you are on your phone. I feel lucky if I can read any of the print.

So all you really have to go by is the image, the mood it evokes and maybe the author’s name. Hence,

It was a lot of work, but I’m really happy with the result. I hope you like them too.

So next time you buy a Fortune Bay book, don’t be fooled by the cover. (Luckily amazon reminds us when we’ve bought it before, regardless of the cover.)

And for the time being, all the Fortune Bay books are only available on Amazon, but CLICK HERE to see how to read them on your tablet or phone too.


How to start reading e-books today on your phone or tablet.

Right now, the Fortune Bay e-books are only available on Amazon. But I’ll show you how to get the Kindle app on your phone or tablet and start reading e-books today!

Wherever you are, in the park, in line at the grocery store, your book is synced and right there with you.

Don’t have a kindle e-reader? Don’t panic!

You can download a free kindle app (circled in the picture above) for your phone or tablet (or computer for that matter) and read the books there. To get set up, go to your apps store on the device of your choice and find the free Kindle app. Or click on the link, like the one I’ve circled on the example above. (Of course, my ebooks and print books will still be for sale on Amazon if you decide not to join KU.)

I am doing the reverse myself – reading my kobo books on my phone and tablet these days. It works great too.

Already have a kindle?

Then do as I’ve done and install an app on your phone, too. That way you can Sync with your e-reader and pick up the story any time you have a few minutes to fill – in line at the bank, waiting for kids after sports, wherever you are.
And, of course, if you have already subscribed to Kindle Unlimited, you will be able to read the whole Fortune Bay series for free! (Except Lake of Dreams, the book I save exclusively for members who join my readers group)

(To find out how to join Kindle Unlimited CLICK HERE)

Summer of Fortune

The Good Neighbor

Home for Christmas

Family Matters

Starting Over

Starlight and Tinsel

What is Kindle Unlimited?

It’s an Amazon package where for $9.99 a month you can download and read as many books from the Kindle Unlimited library as you want. Over one million books are free to subscribers on the Kindle Unlimited platform and by joining KU you can take advantage of those offers.

Yes, only 2 reviews on the Canadian account. Amazon won’t share the American reviews. Come on fellow Canadians, show me some love!

Because I have a KU account attached to my Canadian Amazon account, I see the $0.00 KU price as circled on the Amazon book page above. 

Now might be a good time to sign up when due to the Corona virus many libraries are closed.

And bonus, e-books arrive germ free!

If you don’t have a kindle e-reader you can download a free app to your phone or tablet, as in the other circled item in the picture above. I talk about that HERE.

Americans can find KU on, and customers in the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, India, China, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Canada and Australia can sign-up for Kindle Unlimited in their local online Amazon store. Amazon is planning to continue expanding the service to other countries soon.

Announcing the Winners!

Drum roll please!
Announcing the 10 winners of the Fortune Bay Giveaway.
  • Joanne Koch
  • Lori Raines
  • Deborah Dumm
  • Alicia Klick
  • Shelia Claring
  • Amy Donahue
  • Sandra Brans
  • Charlene Capodice
  • Cheryl Arcemont
  • Amber Kuehn
(These names were chosen at random by the Rafflecopter algorithm.)
Congratulations to the winners!
This contest was open to my Readers Group.
If you aren’t a member yet, you can join HERE. and I’ll send you a free ebook copy of Lake of Dreams, The Fortune Bay series prequel novella, just for joining,
If you didn’t win this time, thanks for playing the game anyway! I’ll be having more contests and giveaways soon.
As you probably know, the Fortune Bay books are now on Kindle Unlimited, Amazon’s lending library style program. You can join for $9.99 per month and read thousands of books for no extra cost. I have two of my Kindle Unlimited books in a promotion this month to introduce readers the two books — as well as 110 others by other authors! (Warning! Some of the titles are pretty steamy!

Click here to check it out!

Or go to the Kindle Unlimited page on Amazon to see the thousands of great books you can choose from.

I’m headed to Palm Springs this week. First visit and I’m really looking forward to a much needed break from the rain. Vancouver Island has a reputation for being rainy, and it always rains when my sister is visiting, so I should have worried when she said she was coming for two months! She and her husband arrived January 1st, to bright sun and balmy temperatures, and it has rained every day since. Except for the week it snowed! We got almost two time the normal amount of January precipitation, climaxing last week with a crazy storm that left roads closed and people evacuated all over the Island!
Needless to say, I’m glad to be going to the sunny south for a break. Watch the weather clear up as soon as we leave, lol.

Better go and pack.

PS – I’ll be posting on Facebook and Instagram, so you can catch up with me there!