Birthing a Book

Torn by excitement and trepidation, I just sent the final manuscripts of Lake of Days and Summer of Fortune off to the printers.

Some people compare launching a book to birthing a baby. To me, it feels more like sending your children off to college or out into the world. The birthing comes much earlier.

There’s the “conception,” those magical moments when the germ of a story appears in your mind. havenThen the “incubation,” when you stare dreamily out the window or type furiously at the keyboard, depending on your method, as the idea takes shape.

I say it takes a village to produce a book because I have depended on the interest, kindness and inspiration of my friends and family so much in this process to read, give feedback and listen to me rant or spin off ideas.

Then the writing, when your story “family” becomes all consuming, you don’t have time to see you friends or, sometimes, do your laundry, and that might be more like the birthing and new-born stage to me. Editing? Those difficult, seemingly endless teenage years when so much depth and character is born out of turmoil and sweat, with occasional bursts of elation.

Then the launch. When, with tears of terror/fear/happiness you push/send the manuscript is out into the world.SOF Feature copy

Deep breath.

Now, to see to the next child, the final edits of the next book, The Good Neighbor.

Sound familiar?

Thanks for listening.

Judy sig

2 thoughts on “Birthing a Book

  1. I loved your comparison to creating a baby from inception to college take-off. It rang so true. My two
    grandkids are both leaving for college this September – at the same time – and my daughter is in a
    state of angst as the empty nest approaches. You are having two consecutive launches – on top of your
    prequel. I predict an avalanche of accolades!

    1. I appreciate your vote of confidence Helena. I do have two more fledglings to go this year. Time for me to turn my attention to them. Thanks for stopping by.

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