Category: Blog Posts

Facebook party fiasco!

It was one of those middle-of-the-night revelations. I’d scheduled my Getting To Know You facebook party for the same date as my niece’s graduation and celebration dinner! I have to go–I want to go. And I knew you’d all understand, so

I’m changing the date to of the facebook party to Tuesday June 6th, the day before the original date.

Same times, same prizes. Just the day before. June 6.

To recap –

On Tuesday June 6th I’ll be posting and chatting with readers for an hour from 10 – 11 am PDT (1 – 2 am EDT) and again at 6 – 7 pm PDT (9 – 10 pm EDT), but you can drop in any time Tuesday June 6th and add your comments. If you comment, I’ll enter your name in the draws for:

  • 1 autographed bundle of all 4  Fortune Bay paperbacks
  • 5 draws for autographed single books
  • and the 10 ebooks I’ll be giving away to participants.

If you haven’t already, please let me know if you think you can come by signing in here, on the event page.

Also – thank you to everyone who has filled out the 20 Questions Survey. I’m having fun reading the  responses and I’ll be posting my answers to the survey – as well as the names of the prize winners  – on June 8.

To be sure to hear about future posts, enter your email address here:

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Hope to see you at the party.

Judy's signature







Join the party, take the survey, enter the contest

It’s that easy.

I write about my life in my books, on my blog and facebook page, and in my newsletter. Now I want to get to know you, my readers, better!

So, Come to my facebook party!

(Not on facebook? See below for how to enter the draw for the books.)

On Thursday June 7th I’ll be posting and chatting with readers for an hour from 10 – 11 am PDT (1 – 2 am EDT) and again at 6 – 7 pm PDT (9 – 10 pm EDT), but you can drop in any time Thursday June 7th and add your comments to have your name entered in draws for:

  • 1 autographed bundle of all 4  Fortune Bay paperbacks
  • 5 draws for autographed single books
  • and the 10 ebooks I’ll be giving away to participants.

Not on facebook?

You can also participate by answering some or all of the 20 Questions Survey any time before midnight, June 7.

You can find the survey at –

I’ll be answering all the survey question too, here on my blog on June  4. Watch for it.

I’m so happy for this chance to get to know my newsletter readers better! This information will not be shared, but will help me figure out who my friends and readers are, what they like to read and how to keep them happy!
You don’t have to answer all the questions, just what information you are comfortable sharing.
To enter the draw for all of the prizes listed above, enter your email address in question #20 (not required.) I only ask for your email address on the survey to enter you in the draw of an autographed set of all 4  Fortune Bay books. 🙂

Or do both –

Come to the party – take the  survey – and you’ll automatically be entered in the draws for the prizes.

Hope you can make it. It’s going to be fun.






Readers have been asking for for a map of Fortune Bay since the first book came put, so here it is! I always enjoy a map of the town in a book, and I might at some point add it to the books, but so, it’s exclusively for my V.I.P.’s.

Download your copy HERE.







About writing Lake of Dreams

I wrote Lake of Dreams to give away. I imagined it as a fun little book – could see Colleen dancing on the dock in her cowboy boots – and was surprised at the personal, poignant themes that emerged as I wrote.

Our cottage for many years, my inspiration for Alex Porter’s cottage on Majestic Lake.

As a child, I went to cottages belonging to family and friends and always envied the kids whose families had cottages of their own.  Eventually, I was lucky enough to marry into one of those families.

My husband’s family cottage was on a lake in Muskoka, in rugged, rocky northern Ontario. From the stories I heard, he and his four brothers and sisters ran wild there for two months every summer throughout their childhood and teens. Later, our own children got to experience the fishing and boating too for a few weeks every summer.

On the long weekend in the middle of the summer, the whole active, extended family would meet there for the annual regatta. (Watch for a regatta book to show up in the Fortune Bay series.) The cottage would groan but accepted us all in the grouping of small sleeping cabins around the central cabin. Our favourite place to congregate was on the screened-in porch, called a Muskoka room, a must at dusk to hold back the mosquitoes.

My father-in-law, the patriarch of the family, was a lawyer and eventually a judge, but up at the lake he was more like Alex’s grandfather than his father. There was a dock with a boathouse and a couple of boats, including canoes hung in slings against the far wall and a rowboat that we used daily. Early morning paddles on lake to the sound of loons were particularly magical.

An picture clipped from an old cottage movie – could be Alex’s Queen of the Lake.

The cabin on Fortune Bay is an amalgam of one of the cottages in the compound (the one with the washroom outside at the end of the porch), a cute white cottage down the lake that always seemed empty, and a cabin on the lake here on Vancouver Island. Like everything else I write, there is a touchstone of truth, although it is usually unrecognizable by the time it hits the page.

Eventually my in-laws could no longer manage the hill, and when the grandfather died, we were not as lucky as Alex and were not able to keep the cottage. A few years later I wrote Lake of Dreams, channeling fond memories of summers on that Ontario lake.

A weird thing happened after I published Lake of Dreams. I was checking the listing, I think it was iTunes, and although the cover said LOD was set in the Olympic Peninsula of Washington state, right beside the book on the online page was a listing for the Logging Chain Lodge. Looking closer, I saw that the lodge was set in the tiny village not 5 miles away from our cottage in Ontario. Coincidence? I think not.

Is there a place that is near and dear to your heart, where you can get away from your regular life and kick back? Or a place you remember where you’d love to return? I’d love to hear about it. Also any questions or comments on the book.

Judy's signature













Raspberry & White Chocolate Macarons

Last week I was channeling Louise, the pastry chef in Home for Christmas as I made a ridiculously fancy but really quite easy to make batch of Raspberry and White Chocolate Macarons. People often ask if my characters are like me, or me them, and I always say no but, the truth is, there is a bit of me in most of them.

My editor Stephanie Webb is hosting a tea the next day (she’s a Brit) to celebrate the birthday of a mutual friend. “A good excuse to air out the linen,” she said. She’s done it before and it’s lots of fun. She made fancy party sandwiches and little cakes – scones last time if I remember correctly. But when I saw her last week I heard myself say, “I’ll bring a plate of fancy cookies.”

Fancy, because anything she made for this event was bound to be fancy, but any one who knows me well knows that Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, or Children’s Delight is my normal baking style. Something hearty with a little food value. I  used to cut the amount of sugar in half and until my kids refused to eat my cookies. Now I rarely make cookies at all, but these macarons caught my eye in a flier in the paper and strangely, I had just cleaned out the baking cupboard and knew I had all the ingredients: white chocolate, ground almonds, raspberry freezer jam (the best!).

The macarons were much easier than I anticipated. Not really  a trick at all. I made the macarons the day before while watching the World Figure Skating Championships on TV (Yay Canada!) and made the filling Sunday morning before the party.

They were such a hit, I thought I’d put the recipe here to give you time to make them for a special Easter dinner treat.

Louise would be proud.

Get the recipe HERE

Let me know how they turn out.

Judy's signature


