Right now, the Fortune Bay e-books are only available on Amazon. But I’ll show you how to get the Kindle app on your phone or tablet and start reading e-books today!
Wherever you are, in the park, in line at the grocery store, your book is synced and right there with you.

Don’t have a kindle e-reader? Don’t panic!
You can download a free kindle app (circled in the picture above) for your phone or tablet (or computer for that matter) and read the books there. To get set up, go to your apps store on the device of your choice and find the free Kindle app. Or click on the link, like the one I’ve circled on the example above. (Of course, my ebooks and print books will still be for sale on Amazon if you decide not to join KU.)
I am doing the reverse myself – reading my kobo books on my phone and tablet these days. It works great too.
Already have a kindle?
Then do as I’ve done and install an app on your phone, too. That way you can Sync with your e-reader and pick up the story any time you have a few minutes to fill – in line at the bank, waiting for kids after sports, wherever you are.
And, of course, if you have already subscribed to Kindle Unlimited, you will be able to read the whole Fortune Bay series for free! (Except Lake of Dreams, the book I save exclusively for members who join my readers group)
(To find out how to join Kindle Unlimited CLICK HERE)

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