Category: Tne Fortune Bay Series

Announcing a new monthly contest!

I’ve been quiet much too long, a combination of working hard on the new Fortune Bay book (Starting Over off the editor’s today. Yay!), lots and lots of wonderful guests basically all through October (the two-month old and two-year old were just adorable), and just plain life.

So now I feel like reaching out to my readers and, to get back on track,

I’m starting a new monthly contest.

I’ll be giving away a print copy of one of my Fortune Bay books. (Yes they are available in print. Did someone say Christmas present?)

This month, it’s The Good Neighbor. (You can read an excerpt HERE )

To enter, all you have to do is answer the question of the month HERE on my facebook page, in the comments.

I’ll be picking a winner on the 15th of each month.

Good luck!




Family Matters

Spoiler Alert!

Be sure to read The Good Neighbor first – then you’ll want to read this novella!

You can buy Family Matters  on Amazon

–  now available in paperback and on Kindle Unlimited

Hi Everyone!
When I finished writing Home for Christmas, Louise and Blue’s story, I sat back and thought about where everyone in Fortune Bay was in their lives at this point. Louise and Blue were fine, all lovey-dovely, Louise moving into Blue’s new log house, both of them ecstatic about the possibility of twins.

But what about Frankie and Sean? By spring, it had been five months since they found Amber—or rather, since she found Sean. Now he and Amber were living with his mom Stephanie, and Frankie was living alone—not the best situation for Sean and Frankie – or for Stephanie and Max.

And what about Amber? It was hard to believe everything was just smooth sailing for her after such a huge upheaval in her life.
By now you have probably figured out how real these characters are to me! Lol. I couldn’t leave them in this situation. The story started to grow and turned into this sequel novella, written specially for my most loyal readers who have been reading all the Murphy family Fortune Bay books.

If you haven’t read the other books, do yourself a favor and put this book aside until you have.
I hope you enjoy Family Matters as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Judy Hudson

One reader obviously felt the same way when they finished The Good Neighbor.

I hope she finds this book now. If she is on my mailing list she’ll know by now.

Thanks for reading,

Available at:
























Just want to share my new cover.

If books are our babies, I have to share my first book in her new party dress.

I loved the graphic quality of the old cover, but too many people asked me if it was for adults. YES!

It obviously looked too young though, some thought Young Adult. So time for a new cover, and my cover girl Rosey Hudson and I agreed this was perfect. Same scene, better representation.

Had to show it again ’cause it’s so pretty.

If you haven’t read it yet, check your eReader– I’ve given away thousands of copies to introduce readers to the Fortune Bay series.

If you only ready print, it is available in print at Amazon, Barnes & Noble online, and the Createspace store.

For a sneak peek at chapter one, CLICK HERE.




Facebook party fiasco!

It was one of those middle-of-the-night revelations. I’d scheduled my Getting To Know You facebook party for the same date as my niece’s graduation and celebration dinner! I have to go–I want to go. And I knew you’d all understand, so

I’m changing the date to of the facebook party to Tuesday June 6th, the day before the original date.

Same times, same prizes. Just the day before. June 6.

To recap –

On Tuesday June 6th I’ll be posting and chatting with readers for an hour from 10 – 11 am PDT (1 – 2 am EDT) and again at 6 – 7 pm PDT (9 – 10 pm EDT), but you can drop in any time Tuesday June 6th and add your comments. If you comment, I’ll enter your name in the draws for:

  • 1 autographed bundle of all 4  Fortune Bay paperbacks
  • 5 draws for autographed single books
  • and the 10 ebooks I’ll be giving away to participants.

If you haven’t already, please let me know if you think you can come by signing in here, on the event page.

Also – thank you to everyone who has filled out the 20 Questions Survey. I’m having fun reading the  responses and I’ll be posting my answers to the survey – as well as the names of the prize winners  – on June 8.

To be sure to hear about future posts, enter your email address here:

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Hope to see you at the party.

Judy's signature







Join the party, take the survey, enter the contest

It’s that easy.

I write about my life in my books, on my blog and facebook page, and in my newsletter. Now I want to get to know you, my readers, better!

So, Come to my facebook party!

(Not on facebook? See below for how to enter the draw for the books.)

On Thursday June 7th I’ll be posting and chatting with readers for an hour from 10 – 11 am PDT (1 – 2 am EDT) and again at 6 – 7 pm PDT (9 – 10 pm EDT), but you can drop in any time Thursday June 7th and add your comments to have your name entered in draws for:

  • 1 autographed bundle of all 4  Fortune Bay paperbacks
  • 5 draws for autographed single books
  • and the 10 ebooks I’ll be giving away to participants.

Not on facebook?

You can also participate by answering some or all of the 20 Questions Survey any time before midnight, June 7.

You can find the survey at –

I’ll be answering all the survey question too, here on my blog on June  4. Watch for it.

I’m so happy for this chance to get to know my newsletter readers better! This information will not be shared, but will help me figure out who my friends and readers are, what they like to read and how to keep them happy!
You don’t have to answer all the questions, just what information you are comfortable sharing.
To enter the draw for all of the prizes listed above, enter your email address in question #20 (not required.) I only ask for your email address on the survey to enter you in the draw of an autographed set of all 4  Fortune Bay books. 🙂

Or do both –

Come to the party – take the  survey – and you’ll automatically be entered in the draws for the prizes.

Hope you can make it. It’s going to be fun.



